Gold Nanoparticles

We are conducting a trial for utilizing gold nanoparticles paired with infrared laser heat. Eligible patients have to have superficial tumors. We are treating the following types:

  • Dogs with large mast cell tumors (>2 cm)

  • Dogs with soft tissue sarcomas (<2cm in diameter)

  • Dogs with oral melanoma (2-3cm diameter)

  • Dogs with cutaneous or footpad melanoma (<2cm)

  • Cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma not involving the bone

  • Cats with other cutaneous tumors like Mast cell tumors, Sarcomas or Carcinomas

This clinical trial utilizes gold nanoparticles in a gross disease setting.

Gold Nanoparticles are inert and are given IV to the patient and after a period of time the patient comes back to have the tumor heated with a laser. As the tumor vasculature is heated through the external near infrared spectrum of light, the gold nanoparticles are excited, the laser energy is converted to heat and the tumor vasculature is disrupted killing the tumor from the inside out.

Smaller tumors typically need only the 1 session of heat but larger tumors may need more than 1 session of heat (average 2-3 for sarcomas).


If you have a potential case to discuss, have a patient with a tumor in a bad location for surgery or if you would like to learn more, please contact us at 425-697-2272 for more information.

Gilvetmab paired with EGFR for Histo diagnosed Hemangiosarcoma


The current clinical trial for EGFR vaccination with Yale has been granted the rights to add Gilvetmab for these patients through a MERCK Product Grant Support. Gilvetmab is only available at BARC for canine patients with Hemangiosarcoma enrolled in this trial. Gilvetmab is the first and only immune checkpoint inhibitor developed for the treatment of mast cell tumors (MCTs) and melanomas in dogs and can be used on a case by case bases for those two diseases as well. All other inquiries of Gilvetmab’s use in other disease formats should be directed at MERCK Animal Health.


 Paclitaxel for K9 Hemangiosarcoma

BARC is enrolling patients in a clinical trial for a unique chemotherapy agent for splenic hemangiosarcoma patients. Paclitaxel is the drug of choice in humans with angiosarcoma and needs to be re-evaluated in dogs. Paclitaxel has historically not been well tolerated in dogs in its original formulation. This new formulation hopes to mitigate those side effects and have efficacy in this disease.

We are enrolling pet companion dogs that have been diagnosed with non-metastatic histopathologic diagnosed splenic hemangiosarcoma.

These patients will receive further staging to verify no visible metastasis are present at the time of enrollment. The drug will be given IV every 3 weeks for a total of 5 doses. Patients are allowed to be on Yunnan Baiyao but no other immunotherapies, supplements or chemotherapy.

This trial is fully funded and staging and chemotherapy visits are covered by the sponsor.

Please have your veterinarian call or email us if your patient may be a candidate for this trial as we do want to prioritize referral for these patients.

Study for Canine Lymphoma

This study is now open to evaluate a novel immunotherapy in dogs with Naive B cell lymphoma or Refractory B cell lymphoma. We are evaluating the safety, pharmacokinetics and biologic activity of escalating doses of this novel immunotherapy in client owned dogs with multi-centric B cell lymphoma.

Your dog may be eligible if:

  • Dog is greater than 12 months of age and > 20kg at Day 0

  • Dog has been diagnosed with Naive or Relapsed B cell peripheral Nodal Lymphoma

  • Diagnosed with a combination of Flow cytometry or PARR

  • Dog must have peripherally accessible LN of at least 2 cm in diameter at longest diameter

  • General Performance Score of 0 or 1

  • Adequate organ function as assessed by the examining Veterinarian

  • Life expectancy of at least 1 month

    CLIENT INCENTIVE: Fully funded. All treatments and procedures will occur with no cost to the owner

    INTERESTED? If there are any questions or concerns regarding this study, feel free to reach us by calling or emailing about your case

 Immunotherapy for Transitional Cell Carcinoma /Urothelial Carcinoma

This study seeks to evaluate a novel immunotherapy when used in dogs with transitional cell (TCC) or urothelial carcinoma (UC). The therapy specifically targets an important molecule primarily expressed on immune cells, which usually turns off the immune cells and prevents overactive immune responses. However, it also turns off anti-cancer immune responses and prevents the immune system controlling and killing cancer cells.

Immunotherapies that are able to inhibit this molecule on immune cells that recognize cancer cells could make it possible for the immune system to recognize and attack the underlying cancer more effectively.

Your Dog may be eligible if:

  • Weigh ≥ 5kg and ≤ 35kg

  • Histologically conrmed transitional cell or urothelial carcinoma, with or without documented lymph node involvement (newly diagnosed dogs and recurrent/relapsed disease)

  • Measurable primary intravesicular tumor amenable for cystoscopic biopsy

  • No signicant comorbidities

  • Expected survival time of at least 8 weeks

  • Dogs receiving standard of care NSAID for UC for at least 2 weeks prior to study enrollment will be allowed to continue SOC while on study

  • Dogs can be on Heartworm preventative during the study

Your Dog is NOT eligible if:

  • History of daily drug administration for an unregulated chronic disease (i.e. still dose adjusting at this time)

  • Prior experimental therapy, antibody therapies, immunomodulatory therapies (Prednisone, Cyclosporine, Atopica, MMF or other therapies) within six weeks of study

  • Other chemo/radiation therapy within two weeks of study

  • Pulmonary metastasis

  • Symptomatic urinary tract infection confirmed by urine culture

  • Creatinine >2.0 mg/dL ; Total bilirubin >2.0mg/dL ; HCT <25% or platelets <50,000

  • Any grade II hematologic or biochemical abnormality by VCOG standards

  • Prior antibody therapies (Cytopoint or Librela)

  • No vaccines within the study period (can happen >2 weeks before enrollment)

CLIENT INCENTIVE: Fully funded. All treatments and procedures will occur with no cost to the owner.

INTERESTED? If there are any questions or concerns regarding this study, feel free to reach us by calling or emailing about your case

Immunotherapy of Genetically engineered

TIL’s for K9 Melanoma


This project will use a resected tissue sample of patients melanoma to produce genetically engineered TIL which express both IL15, a cytokine considered important in the body’s own response to cancer, and LIGHT, a cell surface protein also important in driving anti-tumor response. This engineered product is administered back to the patient after two days of prior-lymphodepletion as a one time treatment. Patients will have to take oral Acetazolamide once daily for a maximum of 7 days starting on the day of infusion

Your dog may be eligible if:

  • Confirmed diagnosis of Melanoma

  • Dogs must be >9 kg but not more than >20 kg (unless specifically approved)

  • At least one resectable lesion or aggregate lesion that can amass a minimum volume of 500mg of tissue

  • Lesions in previously irradiated areas should be selected only if the irradiation was completed 3 months prior to tumor procurement

  • Washout of prior chemotherapy or immunotherapy of at least 2 weeks prior

  • No concurrent immunomodulatory medications such as Prednisone, cyclosporine, MMF or Apoquel

  • Estimated survival of at least 8 weeks

  • Favorable performance Status of 0 to 1

  • Flexibility in scheduling : All harvests of tissue have to happen on a THURSDAY and the infusion is timed with production of the TIL’s

    CLIENT INCENTIVE: Fully funded. All treatments and procedures will occur with no cost to the owner.

    INTERESTED? If there are any questions or concerns regarding this study, feel free to reach us by calling or emailing about your case

Study for Canine Superficial Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

We are enrolling pet companion dogs that have been diagnosed with non-metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC, a type of cancer) in a clinical trial for a newly formulated chemotherapy treatment delivered via an intratumor injection. An intratumor injection requires a much lower dose of carboplatin than required by administration systemically. Additionally, this new formulation hopes to provide long-acting local activity.

Eligibility for Dogs to Participate in the Study include but are not limited to:

· The dog is diagnosed cytologically or histologically with Squamous cell carcinoma.

· The dog has at least one lesion with a longest diameter (LD) of ≥1.0 cm that can be measured to assess response to treatment.

· The dog has no evidence of metastasis based on thoracic radiographs and cytological evaluation of local lymph nodes, and any palpably enlarged lymph nodes.

· The dog has not received prior treatment with radiation, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy for cancer.

· The dog has no renal, cardiovascular, hepatic, and/or gastrointestinal dysfunction, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia.

· The dog has no uncontrolled systemic disorders (such as diabetes mellitus) other than SCC.

· The dog has no significant co-morbid illness, which includes but is not limited to a history of congestive heart failure or clinical coagulopathy.

Financial Support: Fully funded. All treatments and procedures associated with the clinical trial will occur with no cost to the owner.

Trial Status: Currently Ongoing

EGFR Immunotherapy available

BARC continues to offer a unique immunotherapy that targets the EGFR/HER2 pathway. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed on a number of human cancers, and often is indicative of a poor outcome.

We are hoping to induce a polyclonal anti-EGFR/HER2 tumor antigen response by vaccine therapy.

We are enrolling companion dogs with spontaneous EGFR expressing tumors to receive a series of 2 vaccines 3 weeks apart. There is another visit after vaccination to draw a blood sample for antigen response analysis. Dogs with EGFR expressing tumors will be immunized with a short peptide of the EGFR extracellular domain with sequence homology to HER2.

To receive the immunotherapy without required Oncologist consultation:

1. Referral direct from another Veterinary Specialist (Oncologist, Internist, Surgeon, etc)

2. Viable tumor types include:

  • Osteosarcoma patients

  • Hemangiosarcoma patients

  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma

  • Pulmonary Carcinoma (with records review)

  • High grade Mast cell tumors (with records review)

Naive patients can also schedule to have an Oncology consult and this therapy will be discussed if applicable to your dogs disease profile.

Please contact us today for more information!